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    4 Signs It's Time to Hire a Divorce Attorney

    Hibu Websites • January 3, 2022

    No one likes to think about hiring a divorce attorney, but the fact is, there are some signs that you should be looking for a divorce attorney. Recognizing the signs that your marriage may be over and it is time to move on can help you to decide if now is the time to connect with an attorney that specializes in divorce.

    Signs of Incompatibility

    The Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts report that about 43% of respondents report that “incompatibility” was the reason they divorced which makes it the number one reason couples divorce. What is incompatibility?

    Incompatibility is not just not wanting to do the same things in life, it is about not being able to come to a compromise on a wide range of issues. Incompatibility can be defined as not feeling connected to your partner, and more importantly, not being able to work out the disconnect. A divorce attorney is most often contacted when couples just cannot figure out why they are together any longer.

    Repeat Cases of Infidelity

    Infidelity is a betrayal on many levels. A sign that a marriage is over and it is time to get some legal advice is when there is infidelity in the relationship. One partner constantly stepping outside the relationship boundaries is unfair, and is a good reason to consider hiring an attorney.

    Deception and Money Matters

    If your partner is being dishonest about finances, it may be a sign that you need to protect yourself and your finances. Partners that are deceptive about their finances and more importantly, that are using your finances without discussion or getting permission is a sign that you need some legal advice about your marriage and how to protect your finances.

    Protecting Your Rights

    If you want to protect your rights, the best way to do that is to contact a divorce attorney. Contacting an attorney does not necessarily mean that you are ready to divorce. It simply means that you are taking the opportunity to gather the information you need to learn how to protect your rights. An attorney can discuss your options with you to ensure that, whether you are ready to divorce or not, you understand your options.

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